The ashram has a daily program with a fixed rhythm: see under the submenu Daily.

There are also days with a special program. An overview of these activities can be found below.

[Look also under Dutch Agenda to be sure about possible more agenda items: click here !]

Babaji Weekend
Dec 13 @ 06:30 – Dec 14 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Christmas celebrations 24&25 December
Dec 24 @ 18:00 – Dec 25 @ 16:30

kerst 2015The celebration on Christmas Eve December 24 starts at 6 pm with the singing of Christmas carols at the Christmas tree in the temple. Then, at 7 pm, we sing the usual Aarti. Everybody is welcome. Visitors are invited to bring a small gift (of around 5 euros) for under the Christmas tree. These gifts are shared with angels cards after the Aarti. Then we enjoy the meal together. Welcome to attend this celebration.

The morning of the 25th will be celebrated with Aarti at 7.30 and a festive havan (vedic fire ceremony) at 10, with a vegetarian Lunch about 13 o’clock. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Ashram Retreat Weekend
Dec 27 @ 18:00 – Dec 29 @ 17:00

Welcome for a relaxed Weekend Retreat at the ashram Sadashiva Dham. Even if you are coming for the first time, you are welcome to participate.

During the retreat we will follow the ashram programme: fire ceremony, Aarti ceremony and chanting in the temple, karma yoga – i.e. participating in some ashram work. There is also an introduction plus tour for people attending for the first time. Moreover, there is Satsang, i.e. an exploration by sharing experiences [satsang means ‘being together in truth’]. We will also make space for a walk in the beautiful forests here at the Veluwe near Apeldoorn.

For the program and registration: click here.

New Year celebration
Dec 31 2024 @ 18:00 – Jan 1 2025 @ 16:00

New Year’s Eve we celebrate with Aarti at 19.00 o’clock in the temple. After a little break we go on with singing Bhajans in the Dhuni (around the fire). At 0.00 o’clock in the night we welcome the New Year with a little Aarti and a modest party.

In the morning of the New Year, 1 January, we have a program like on a Babaji Weekend: Paduka Puja, Aarti, Fire Ceremony, Lunch.

Welcome to take part. On the 31 you can arrive already during the day or afternoon and possibly help with the preparations. Please register yourself.

Ashram Retreat Weekend
Jan 31 @ 18:00 – Feb 2 @ 17:00

Welcome for a relaxed Weekend Retreat at the ashram Sadashiva Dham. Even if you are coming for the first time, you are welcome to participate.

During the retreat we will follow the ashram programme: fire ceremony, Aarti ceremony and chanting in the temple, karma yoga – i.e. participating in some ashram work. There is also an introduction plus tour for people attending for the first time. Moreover, there is Satsang, i.e. an exploration by sharing experiences [satsang means ‘being together in truth’]. We will also make space for a walk in the beautiful forests here at the Veluwe near Apeldoorn.

For the program and registration: click here.

Babaji Weekend
Feb 7 @ 06:30 – Feb 8 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Maha Shivaratri
Feb 26 – Feb 27 all-day

Maha Shivaratri is literally ‘the great night of Lord Shiva’ (Shiva: ‘benevolent One’), and is celebrated once a year in February or March, just before the new moon. The celebration starts as early as the morning, but the focus is on the following night. For dates: see the calendar.

Babaji Weekend
Mar 7 @ 06:30 – Mar 8 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Ashram Retreat Weekend
Mar 21 @ 18:00 – Mar 23 @ 17:00

Welcome for a relaxed Weekend Retreat at the ashram Sadashiva Dham. Even if you are coming for the first time, you are welcome to participate.

During the retreat we will follow the ashram programme: fire ceremony, Aarti ceremony and chanting in the temple, karma yoga – i.e. participating in some ashram work. There is also an introduction plus tour for people attending for the first time. Moreover, there is Satsang, i.e. an exploration by sharing experiences [satsang means ‘being together in truth’]. We will also make space for a walk in the beautiful forests here at the Veluwe near Apeldoorn.

For the program and registration: click here.

Navaratri celebrations – 9 days
Mar 30 @ 06:15 – Apr 7 @ 14:15

Sada Shiva Dham celebrates the Navaratri festival for the Universal Mother two times a year, every time for 9 days. The universal Mother is the dynamic aspect of creation, which creates everything and and puts everything in motion. She has many names and has in different cultures different names. However, it is always the same universal harmonious force that works in every aspect of creation.

In the picture here, she is displayed as Haidakhandeswari, the universal Mother of Haidakhan. She is also called Durga, Kali, Parvati, Shakti, etc. At Sada Shiva Dham in Loenen near Apeldoorn this celebration is twice a year, in spring and autumn. The exact dates can be found in the calendar.

The daily program for the 9 days is as follows:

6.30 : Paduka Puja, a small ceremony to invite Mahavatar Babaji to be present (in everyone’s heart).
7.30: Aarti: Offering of Light with mantra singing.
8.30: Devi Puja, special ceremony to welcome the Divine Mother. Every day, this ceremony is devoted to a special aspect of the Divine Mother.
9.15: Reading together the Sapta Sati, the 700 verses for the Mother.
10.30: Havan, Vedic Fire Ceremony: for harmony and peace.
12.00: Karma Yoga in the ashram with activities like cleaning, cooking, gardening etc..
13.15: Bhandara, festive warm vegetarian lunch.
16.00: Karma Yoga

17.30: Possible satsang in the temple (sitting together and speaking together in truth)
19.00: Aarti
22:00: Rest

The above program is subject to adjustments per Navaratri. 


Havan – Vedic fire ceremony

During these 9 days, experience shows that the energy is extraordinary, gentle and peaceful. Being present and participating is a kind of meditation. The effect is healing to ourselves, refreshing, and we gain energy.

Visitors can come all nine days (there is a possibility to stay overnight), but can also chose to be present for a few days or for instance for one morning.

This Navaratri time is a good time to eat only once a day. Hence, at Sada Shiva Dham, a festive lunch is served aroun 13.30. If, in this way, you have to be too long sober in the morning, one can take some fruit or nuts. Visitors who need to have some food in the evening, for whatever reason, they can have some food in the evening.

For further information: please contact.

Singing and celebrating Hanuman Chalisa
Apr 12 all-day

Join us on the 12th of April to celebrate Hanuman Jayanti, the sacred birthday of Lord Hanuman, the devotee and helper of Lord Rama. Hanuman’s life, as described in the Ramayana, teaches us the power of devotion, selfless service, and surrender to the divine.

We will sing the Hanuman Chalisa 108 times(!) We will start just after morning Aarti at 08:30. Please note that this will take all day. Last year we finished around 10 PM

Why Chant the Hanuman Chalisa?

The Hanuman Chalisa has long been a source of inspiration for millions of people worldwide. Composed by Tulsidas in the 16th century, it beautifully describes Hanuman’s divine qualities and the power of his character in each verse. Singing it so often will evoke the spirit of Hanuman in you, strengthening your deeper divine qualities. The Hanuman Chalisa is also a great remedy for mental imbalances, a perfect medicine for these disturbing times. Feel free to join us for the full 108 times or only a part of the day.

Let us know if you are coming by sending an e-mail (preferred) to or by contacting us by phone.

Babaji Weekend
May 9 @ 06:30 – May 10 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Babaji Weekend
Jun 6 @ 06:30 – Jun 7 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Ashram Retreat Weekend
Jun 20 @ 18:00 – Jun 22 @ 17:00

Welcome for a relaxed Weekend Retreat at the ashram Sadashiva Dham. Even if you are coming for the first time, you are welcome to participate.

During the retreat we will follow the ashram programme: fire ceremony, Aarti ceremony and chanting in the temple, karma yoga – i.e. participating in some ashram work. There is also an introduction plus tour for people attending for the first time. Moreover, there is Satsang, i.e. an exploration by sharing experiences [satsang means ‘being together in truth’]. We will also make space for a walk in the beautiful forests here at the Veluwe near Apeldoorn.

For the program and registration: click here.

Babaji Weekend
Aug 8 @ 06:30 – Aug 9 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Babaji Weekend
Sep 5 @ 06:30 – Sep 6 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Babaji Weekend
Oct 31 @ 06:30 – Nov 1 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.

Babaji Weekend
Nov 28 @ 06:30 – Nov 29 @ 14:00
Havan for Harmony and Peace
Havan for Harmony and Peace

The program of a Babaji Weekend in short includes:

  • Aarti: a Vedic light ceremony and mantra singing
  • Havan: Vedic fire ceremony. The havan is a meditative and ceremonial event that contributes to peace and harmony.
  • Paduka Puja: ceremony with the sandals of Babaji as an invitation for Him to be Present.
  • Karma Yoga: work as a form of yoga, sharing ashram work.
  • Bhajans sing: singing together simple devotional songs or mantras

Attending such a weekend is also good for those who come for the first time: to get acquainted with the program at Sada Shiva Dham and the teachings of Babaji. Please register.

Please register. You can arrive on Friday afternoon or Saturday and stay until Sunday afternoon or evening. The ashram offers lodging and vegetarian meals.
If you would like a longer stay, please contact us.

Financial contribution for attending the Babaji Weekend is like on normal days: click here.


Bhole Baba ki Jai.