Ashram Retreat Weekend

14/06/2024 @ 18:00 – 16/06/2024 @ 17:00

The weekend of 14-16 June is reserved for a relaxed Weekend Retreat at the ashram Sadashiva Dham. Even if you are coming for the first time, you are welcome to participate.

During the retreat we will follow the ashram programme: fire ceremony, Aarti ceremony and chanting in the temple, karma yoga – i.e. participating in some ashram work. There is also an introduction plus tour for people attending for the first time. Moreover, there is Satsang, i.e. an exploration by sharing experiences [satsang means ‘being together in truth’]. We will also make space for a walk in the beautiful forests here at the Veluwe near Apeldoorn.

See also: click here.