Charya: dance as spiritual practice

25/01/2020 @ 10:00 – 26/01/2020 @ 18:00
Sada Shiva Dham

In mystical traditions the cosmos is understood as a Divine Being which may be experienced with all human senses. There life dances an eternal round dance, and from there it receives its glow. In this context, traditional dances with their rhythms and songs, which have received their form in the course of millennia, are symbolic images of the ‘gods’. The essence of the art of dancing is to make visible the moment ‘Now’ in the perfect presence of one breath. The art of movement, activating the joints of both hands and feet, may in this way create, flame-like, the most perfect motion which allows the dancer to grow beyond the restrictions of form and to develop beyond his own limitations. The energetic focal point above the head of the dancer, where the central energy channel runs down along the spine to the vital centre – to the ‘realm of the creative feminine’ – has the power to break up rigid structures and to infuse them with new life. In Charya this power is symbolized by the presence above the dancer’s head as Padmanateshvara, the divine Dancer-God. With devotion and his/her creative participation, the dancer in encountering the gods, returns energy to the cosmos and in this way unites the visible and invisible worlds. By the dancer connecting spirit and matter, all creative processes may be experienced to be particles of unending cycles of life, as a continuous being-born-into and again as beingborn-from them, while the soul is nourished by coming face to face with the Divine in the present moment. This takes place in the heart, the central point for the creation of all movement.

Natalia Litvincuk: dancer, dance pedagogue, director of the dance school Ariadna, Simferopol, Crimea. She learnt from Prajwal Vajracharya, Nepal, for the DVD recording of Vedic Mantras, Meditation in Movement published by the Metanoia-Verlag  (available in the ashram).

Date: Saturday Jan 25th and Sunday Jan 26th, 2020 from 10 am to 6 pm

Course language: English

Seminar fee: € 120,to be paid in cash after arrival

Overnight stay and meals in the ashram:
a) with food, coffee breaks and overnight stay: € 70,- b) with food, coffee breaks, without overnight stay: € 55,-
[Ashram member have discount for overnight stay and meals].

Place: Babaji ashram – Sada Shiva Dham Vrijenbergweg 60, 7371 AB Loenen (NL) Tel: 0031 (0) 55 5052871
Registration until: 27.12.2019
Please indicate your choice when registering! Overnight stay according to availability. 

Registration, Information:
Contact: (in English)
Ute Kreidle, 67280 Ebertsheim,  0049 151 62429899,