Singing and celebrating Hanuman Chalisa

Join us on the 12th of April to celebrate Hanuman Jayanti, the sacred birthday of Lord Hanuman, the devotee and helper of Lord Rama. Hanuman’s life, as described in the Ramayana, teaches us the power of devotion, selfless service, and surrender to the divine.

We will sing the Hanuman Chalisa 108 times(!) We will start just after morning Aarti at 08:30. Please note that this will take all day. Last year we finished around 10 PM

Why Chant the Hanuman Chalisa?

The Hanuman Chalisa has long been a source of inspiration for millions of people worldwide. Composed by Tulsidas in the 16th century, it beautifully describes Hanuman’s divine qualities and the power of his character in each verse. Singing it so often will evoke the spirit of Hanuman in you, strengthening your deeper divine qualities. The Hanuman Chalisa is also a great remedy for mental imbalances, a perfect medicine for these disturbing times. Feel free to join us for the full 108 times or only a part of the day.

Let us know if you are coming by sending an e-mail (preferred) to or by contacting us by phone.