The weekend of 14-16 June is reserved for a relaxed Weekend Retreat at the ashram. Even if you are coming for the first time, you are welcome to participate.

During the retreat we will follow the ashram programme: fire ceremony, Aarti ceremony and chanting in the temple, karma yoga – i.e. participating in some ashram work. There is also an introduction plus tour for people attending for the first time. Moreover, there is Satsang, i.e. an exploration by sharing experiences [satsang means ‘being together in truth’]. We will also make space for a walk in the beautiful forests here at the Veluwe near Apeldoorn.

The programme is as follows:

Friday, June 14:

  • 4-6 pm: Arrival at the ashram (should it be later, please let us know).
  • 7 pm: Gathering in the yoga room. Introductions and explanations.
  • 8 pm: Evening meal

Saturday, June 15:

  • 6 am: Silent fire ceremony
  • 7 am: Aarti chanting in the temple
  • 8.15 am: breakfast
  • 9.30 am: introduction and tour
  • 10.30 am: karma yoga
  • 1.15 pm: hot lunch
  • 2 pm: break
  • 4 pm: satsang in the temple
  • 6 pm: time for individual meditation or yoga or walking or …
  • 7 pm: Aarti chanting in the temple
  • 8 pm: evening meal

Sunday, June 16:

  • 6.30 am: Fire ceremony with spoken mantras
  • 8am: Aarti chanting in the temple
  • 9.30 am: breakfast
  • 11.00 am: karma yoga
  • 12.00 am: walk in the forests
  • 1.15 pm: hot lunch
  • 2.00 pm: break
  • 3.30 pm: closing meeting
  • 4.30 pm: conclusion
  • 7.00 pm: Possibly one can still participate in Aarti singing in the temple

Please register using the form below.

The cost-sharing contribution for the weekend, including accommodation and meals, is 75 euros. You can pay this amount via bank (click here), cash or via PIN on arrival. Welcome! Om namah Shivay.

First name and Familyname

I hereby sign up to participate in the Ashram Weekend Retreat from Friday, 14 June 6pm to Sunday afternoon, 16 June 4.30pm.