Dear Brothers and Sisters………..
It is a cold winter in the northern hemisphere and so it is in Holland………
The building process is is almost non at the moment but there is more what meets the eye then beauty of the snow falling on the new temple……
Around the fireplace nails and screws are being sorted, tools are being oiled and brought back to proper working conditions
and extensive planning for the second stage is happening.
From this peaceful picture it is hard to imagine that in less then 5 months from now there will be a spacious kirtan hall attached in front of this temple,
Babaji’s kutir ready for Divine presence and the temple immaculate condition.
By the end of the month we are counting that weather conditions will soften and four huge columns will be installed to uphold the kirtan hall.
Beams will be attached and then we will fill in the spaces with roof, walls and windows.
We do not expect many people to turn up for karma yoga and construction support before Navaratri even though they are very welcome.
However by April and onwards we would highly appreciate and welcome all manpower ( as a matter of speaking as woman are just as welcome)
to help with the completion of this pearl of devotion for Shri Babaji.
Please come and be a part of it, in one way or the other ! Let this temple be also your gift of devotion to Shri Babaji !
To complete the whole project we estimate to be around 70.000 Euro’s short at the moment.
Here also we can use your help and you can be a part in the construction of this monument of love for Shri Babaji.
For those who have pledged in the past this is the moment to make it happen
and for those who may feel inspired now please contact us thru our web site :
Stay warm…………….and abide in peace
Bhole Baba ki Jai !