Munirajji Update 27-12-11 morning

Dear All,   

Bhole Baba Ki Jai!

Munirajji appears out of danger and  is getting the best care possible.
Sri Munirajji slept well and woke up wanting a bath and incense and flowers for his PUJA!!!!! 
Of course he may not burn incense in the ICU but  this means he is well and has his mood back…
Last night He was  asking for his wallet  so he could go and buy his own food …   complaining  he does not like the hospital fare…..  so we know  he is recovering  because nobody likes hospital food!
We can all  breathe a sigh  of relief ,  Your prayers are working. Bhole Baba Ki Jai!
Much love  ,more updates after the Dr. makes his rounds…..

Love and light

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